Equinox's Drones | Drone Company in India

Urban Planning

Rehabilitate urban planning with our drone-powered solutions at a fragment of your expenses and time!

Tackling India’s Urban Planning and Management issue with drones

Highly accurate data to uplift urban planning at lower cost in fraction of time

Equinox’s Drones excels in leveraging drone surveying to advance urban planning initiatives, providing rapid accumulation of real-time data. Our comprehensive aerial mapping services and cutting-edge UAV technology have proven invaluable to government agencies and private developers alike. These tools aid in designing and analyzing social and environmental aspects crucial to urban development. Aerial imagery enhances projects in agriculture and environmental conservation, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable practices.

Through 3-D surveying capabilities, we support city planners, architects, tax collectors, landscape administrators, and more in efficient data collection. Our high-quality drone cameras capture detailed project insights that surpass traditional methods, offering cost-effective solutions and generating precise three-dimensional representations. Equinox’s UAV technology, equipped with advanced sensors, delivers accurate topographical data essential for energy efficiency assessments, project monitoring, sewage system design, utility mapping, and detection of unauthorized constructions and encroachments.

Our expertise in drone infrastructure inspection, pipeline inspection drone services, and urban planning inspection is unmatched, ensuring optimized urban development strategies through precise surveying and mapping solutions.

We can help with

Data Collection

Conventional inspection methods typically demand higher investments in labor and time, resulting in elevated expenses. In contrast, UAVs equipped with high-resolution Cameras, Video Cameras, Thermal Cameras, LiDar Sensing, and Ferromagnetic Sensors used for data collection are beginning to be the future of the industry.

3D Model Visualisations

With the adoption of augmented reality on consumer devices, using pix 4D software for 3D visualization, we can transform the drone-captured images into valuable public engagement tools. Mapping software can facilitate the overlaying of buildings onto their surroundings, providing a crucial comprehension of their design within the context.

Aerial Surveys/Basemaps

Navigation and Mapping of complex urban and rural projects have become effortless and speedy using drones with High-resolution cameras, Video cameras, and Thermal Cameras. Not only is this technological development quicker but also more affordable and sustained. Aerial Surveys have resulted in the advancement and usage of virtual reality, Complex 3D space scanners (e.g., LiDAR), and Photograph Meshing.

Traffic Flow Analysis

Drones have advanced to become an essential element for architects and planners. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drones, in contrast to conventional aerial or satellite platforms, offer numerous technical benefits, notably the capability for low-altitude operations, resulting in exceptionally high spatial resolution timeliness for data obtained. Through a comprehensive traffic analysis, planners can effortlessly remodel and craft cities. Video analysis of the traffic flow provides insights for several applications, and we have encountered these wide-spread practices with our clients.

Our Features

Highly Accurate Data

We use high-end surveying drones equipped with advanced sensors that produce highly accurate topographical data.

5x Faster Data Delivery

We have team of GIS experts working around the clock to process and analyse the Drone survey data to deliver on given time.

One on One support

From project initiation to completion, we offer comprehensive support to our clients, assisting them in making informed decisions based on survey data.


Tackle city planning and management issues with our Drone powered solution.

Benefits of Drone in Urban Planning and Management

High-resolution Mapping Data

High-end surveying Drones data helps in highly accurate aerial Mapping with up to centimeter level accuracy.

Save Cost and time

Drone mapping reduces cost by approximately 30-50% and can scan large areas with a short time frame.

Personnel Safety

Drones can easily scan inaccessible areas so that no personnel are required to climb to altitude.